Create Pre-Fill Information

This action allows you to leverage your existing client data to enhance their user experience when applying for plans. It's recommended to set up this action to run from the trigger Started Plan Request or Completed Plan Request.

The pre-fill information needs to be linked with a plan request via ID, which can be done via providing plan request ID(s) in this action or by using the returned Pre-fill information ID returned from this call in conjunction with the Submit Complete Plan Request or Start Personal Plan Request action. Please note that there can only be one pre-fill information associated with each plan request. Ensure all necessary information is provided in a single action to avoid discrepancies.

Create Pre-Fill Information

Submits information that is used to pre-fill end-user applications.



Request Body

Sample Body Payload
"first_name": "John",
"middle_name": "A.",
"last_name": "Doe",
"gender": "Male",
"date_of_birth": "19950716T000000+0100",
"country_of_birth": "USA",
"state_of_birth": "California",
"phone": "123-456-7890",
"work_phone": "098-765-4321",
"email": "",
"address": "123 Main St, City, State, ZIP",
"us_citizen_resident": true,
"citizenship_details": "US Citizen",
"marital_status": "Married",
"drivers_license_number": "D1234567",
"drivers_license_state": "California",
"drivers_license_expiration_date": "19950716T000000+0100",
"ssn": "123-45-6789",
"occupation": "Software Engineer",
"employer": "TechCorp",
"years_at_job": 5,
"workplace_zip_code": "90001",
"best_time_call": "14:00",
"equal_split_death_benefit": false,
"beneficiaries": [
    "beneficiary_custom_percentage": "100",
    "beneficiary_level": "Primary",
    "relationship_to_insured": "Spouse/Partner",
    "other_relationship_type": "Cousin",
    "entity_individual": "Individual",
    "person_name": "Jane Felicia Doe",
    "entity_name": "TechCorp LLC",
    "tax_id_ssn_ein_tin": "234-56-7890",
    "beneficiary_date_of_birth": "19950716T000000+0100",
    "beneficiary_phone_number": "321-654-0987",
    "same_address_as_insured": "true",
    "beneficiary_address": "29 Grand St, Oneonta, NY 13820, USA",
    "children_names": "Alice Doe,Bob Doe"
"insurance_purpose": "Income Replacement",
"owner_insured_same": true,
"owner_type": "Individual",
"owner_insured_relationship": "Self",
"owner_name": "John Doe",
"owner_ein_tin": "123-45-6789",
"owner_entity_contact_person": "John Doe",
"owner_address": "123 Main St, City, State, ZIP",
"owner_email": "",
"owner_phone": "123-456-7890",
"owner_date_of_birth": "19950716T000000+0100",
"income_pay_premiums": true,
"premium_source": "Salary",
"owner_estimated_income": 100000,
"owner_spouse_estimated_income": 95000,
"household_total_assets": 500000,
"household_liquid_assets": 200000,
"household_total_liabilities": 100000,
"household_net_worth": 400000,
"owner_bankruptcy_history": false,
"backup_withholding": false,
"existing_policies": [
    "insurance_carrier": "LifeCorp",
    "current_death_benefit": 500000,
    "policy_type": "Term Life",
    "policy_number": "LC123456",
    "year_issued": 2015,
    "replacement_reason": "Better Rates"
"terminating_existing_policies": false,
"existing_policies_funding": false,
"temporary_insurance_coverage": true,
"accumulation_goal": "Accumulate cash value with caution",
"cash_access_timeline": "More than 20 years, if ever",
"normal_investment_expectation": "To have a high degree of stability, but only modest profits",
"poor_investment_expectation": "I would want a small profit",
"3yr_investment_expectation": "I would want a small profit",
"3m_investment_expectation": "I can tolerate small short-term losses"

Please note that the sample body payload above contains all possible parameters for your reference. In an actual call, you don't need to use all parameters.

Code Examples - Making the API Call:

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR API KEY>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "User-Agent: <YOUR APP>" \
     -d '{
           "requests_ids": ["231085x32086", "3806290x20862"],
           "first_name": "John",
           "middle_name": "A.",
           "last_name": "Doe",
           "date_of_birth": "19950716T000000+0100",
           "address": "123 Main St, City, State, ZIP",
           "us_citizen_resident": true,
           "marital_status": "Married",
           "owner_estimated_income": 100000,
           "household_total_assets": 500000

Code examples are available in cURL, Python, Javascript, Java, PHP, Ruby, and Go, but can be constructed for other languages and tools. Some code examples include dependencies that may need to be installed in your codebase to ensure functionality. Please note that the code examples above does not contain all available input fields. Feel free to edit using the specification below. Also remember to replace any values in the code that looks like <VALUE> and to adapt the parameter values passed.

Body Parameters Specification:

Sample Return Payload
"success": true,
"prefill_info_id": "1691547056037x763566492663446900"

Returned Parameters Specification:

Last updated