Account User(s)
This action retrieves information about user(s) in your White Swan account. This does not include Referred Clients.
A White Swan for partners account allows you an unlimited amount of account users for free and offers permission control functions to manage your team.
Input (Search) Fields:
Field Name | Field Type | Example Value | Description |
User Email | Text | | Optionally, you can get a specific user by specifying their email here. |
Output Fields:
Field Name | Field Type | Example Value | Description |
User Name | Text | John Doe | The name of the account user. |
User Email | Text | | The email address of the account user. |
User Permission Level | Text | Admin | The permission level assigned to the account user. |
Referred Clients | Line Item(s) | - | Details of clients referred by the account user. |
-Full Name | Text | Alice Johnson | The name of the client referred by the account user. |
Text | | The email address of the client referred by the account user. | |
-Associated Request(s) ID | List | 1234567890x0987654321 | The ID of the plan request(s) associated with the referred client. |
-Associated Plan(s) ID | List | 1234567890x1122334455 | The ID of the personal plan(s) associated with the referred client. |
Referred Partners | Line Item(s) | - | Details of other partners referred by the account user. |
-Partner Name | Text | Sample Bank | The name of other partners referred by the account user. |
-Count of Requests | Number | 5 | The number of requests associated with the other partner referred by the account user. |
-Count of Issued Policies | Number | 2 | The number of issued policies associated with the other partner referred by the account user. |
Total Amount Credited for User Associated Referrals | Number | 10000 | The total amount credited to the account user for their associated end-user and client referrals. |
Last updated