Account User(s)
This action retrieves information about user(s) in your White Swan account. This does not include Referred Clients.
A White Swan for partners account allows you an unlimited amount of account users for free and offers permission control functions to manage your team.
API Method:
Fetch User(s)
Returns information about users associated with your White Swan account.
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | Bearer <YOUR API KEY> |
Content-Type* | String | application/json |
Accept* | String | application/json |
user-agent* | String | <YOUR APP> |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
JSON Body* | Object | See specification below |
Please note that the sample body payload above contains all possible parameters for your reference. In an actual call, you don't need to use all (or any) parameters.
Code Examples - Making the API Call:
Code examples are available in cURL, Python, Javascript, Java, PHP, Ruby, and Go, but can be constructed for other languages and tools. Some code examples include dependencies that may need to be installed in your codebase to ensure functionality. Remember to replace any values in the code that looks like <VALUE> and to adapt the parameter values passed.
Body Parameters Specification:
Field Label | Field Key | Field Type | Example Value | Description |
User Email | user_email | Text | | Optionally, you can get a specific user by specifying their email here. |
Returned Parameters Specification:
Field Label | Field Key | Field Type | Example Value | Description |
User Name | name | Text | John Doe | The name of the account user. |
User Email | Text | | The email address of the account user. | |
User Permission Level | permission | Text | Admin | The permission level assigned to the account user. |
Referred Clients | clients_referred | Object List | - | Details of clients referred by the account user. |
-Full Name | name | Text | Alice Johnson | The name of the client referred by the account user. |
Text | | The email address of the client referred by the account user. | ||
-Associated Request(s) ID | associated_request_ids | List | 1234567890x0987654321 | The ID of the plan request(s) associated with the referred client. |
-Associated Plan(s) ID | associated_plan_ids | List | 1234567890x1122334455 | The ID of the personal plan(s) associated with the referred client. |
Referred Partners | other_partners_referred | Object List | - | Details of other partners referred by the account user. |
-Partner Name | name | Text | Sample Bank | The name of other partners referred by the account user. |
-Count of Requests | count_of_requests | Number | 5 | The number of requests associated with the other partner referred by the account user. |
-Count of Issued Policies | count_of_issued_policies | Number | 2 | The number of issued policies associated with the other partner referred by the account user. |
Total Amount Credited for User Associated Referrals | total_amount_credited | Number | 10000 | The total amount credited to the account user for their associated end-user and client referrals. |
Last updated